Welcome to our new blog...

I thought it was about time that we started to blog, to keep in touch with distant relatives and to give everyone an idea of what we are up to here in sunny Baltimore!!

If you are wondering at all about the name... AIM is derived from the initials of our two girls (Ibby and Amma as baby A would say!) and most of the pictures on here are of them :) Hope that you like them!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Little Baby Pumkin Hat...

I know its early for the holiday season but I was feeling creative the other day so I thought I'd make a little pumpkin hat for my most willing model! Here is just a quick shot of her in it.


Anonymous said...

I love them. How much do you charge for the hats?

Candice said...

I'm currently charging $14.95 for the newborn size and $20.95 for the toddler size (fits approx 6m-2yr) plus a $2 flat rate shipping per order :)

Candice said...

i forgot to say: if you're interested in any of the hats, please feel free to email me: funbabyhats@gmail.com